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Home of Happiness
Orphanage for Disabled Children in Lusaka, Zambia

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Just at the moment we discovered we had lost links with the Community Library project at Uyoba, another outreach possibility came to our notice via Priscilla and her son Andrew, who are willing to be our links with the Orphanage.
Andrew lives and works in Lusaka and he has recently alerted us to a very dire situation right there on his doorstep.


Andrew writes: 

I first became aware of the Home of Happiness through a former fundraiser who encouraged my company, Paratus, to see how

it could sponsor.

It had been thought we would provide an internet link for the teachers, however on visiting the property, we realised internet was very far from what they needed.

Without much in the way of bedding or ablution facilities it was clear that very basic funding was required urgently.
Paratus and other donors donated an electric stove and some cash to start off with.
Ms Bernadette who is the founder, suffers from her own disabilities. She started to take in children with a range of disabilities from blindness, physical and the mentally handicapped.

More and more children were brought by desperate parents who were not able to look after them. The state offers no support and

it is up to the kindness of volunteers to ensure these children have a safe and happy home.
The Home of Happiness, even with its very limited resources,

is a very happy place to visit.

St James Church are going to support this outreach project and our Lent Offerings this year will be donated to the orphanage. Priscilla will be able to present our donations in person, in the local currency - Kwachas!  when she visits Andrew & his family in May.

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